Landscape Photography


top ten Picture Awards Panorama Photo Contest  

one of my photos chosen in Castle Contest as number 9 held for the seventieth anniversary of Castle Road (Burgenstraße)


one of the winners in Outdoor Magazine photo contest - Meteora Monasteries as an outdoor experience

 1. Place in the mountain photo contest from "Alpine" Magazine "Wasser marsch"

shortlisted in Amateur Photographer of the Year in round Landscape APOY Landscape


Honorable Mention in Chromatic Awards in a CityScape with the photo Passer-by

7 in a photo contest of Foto Hits Magazine Adventure

Honorable Mention in polish photo contest about sun and sunlight Inspiring sun

 1. Place in the mountain photo contest from "Alpine" Magazine Fernsicht - so weit das Auge reicht

 Second in travel photography from Merian Travel Magazin Reisefoto des Jahres

5. in the drone photography from the Foto Hits Drohnenbilder


Honorable Mention in the first edition of Heidelberger Fotopreis 2022

Gold in Epson Pano Awards

4. place in alpine contest Summer in the mountains 

2. place in local stage of Blende Photo Contest in

honorable mention in International Mountain, Nature and Adventure Photo and Video Contest Memorial Maria Luisa


honorable mention in polish nationwide photo contest Life is beautiful

2. in the photo contest about alpine golden hour Goldenes Licht am Berg

my self-portrait on The SheClicks 2021 exhibition at The Photography Show in Birmingham, UK...

2020 the photo contest about Bavarian Mountains Bayerns Berge

3. Place in the national stage of EISA photo constest - this year thema "Movement" EISA Winners

3. Place in CEWE Photo Contest about beauty of the North - "So schön ist der Norden"


9. Place in Digital Photo Magazie Contest "Perspective"


Grand Winner in ViewBug  Challenge "Colorful Seascapes"

Outdoor Photo constest winner in Bavarian Magazin "Bayern Bestes"

Month winner in CEWE "Big Moments" photo contest
April Winners

2nd place in German EISA Maestro in "Nature"
2nd Place in Germany

Honorable Mention ND Awards Nature - Trees, my series "one of a kind" from tree nursery
One of a kind

I finished in the top ten and "Uttakleiv Calm" became 3rd, on Landscape photo contest
3rd Place

Honorable Mention in "Wunderwelten" photo contenst organised in cooperation with CEWE.
Categorie "Wunderwelten vom Land"
Wunderwelten Winners


Traum und Abenteuer Fotografie, Platz 5 Kategorie Begegnung


Honorable Mention in Pedalo photocontest "Wunder am Wegesrand",
Two small contests: Magic Moments in and - "Reflection"
Publication in "Mein bild von München III" 


Ferrero Rocher "Goldene Herbstmomente"
"Bunt Reisen" ist auf Photokina in Köln, auf „Blende“-Ausstellung mit Preisträgerbildern 2012, 2013
11. place "Blende 13" Contest - national

Second place in the "Blende 13" Contest - regional

in german photography portal.The subject: photography in practice.

Publication in "Best of..." a book gathering 100 best winner fotos in a 7-years history of a contest.
Being a part of an open air exhibition titled "Childhood", Bydgoszcz, Poland


Honorable mention in EISA SPEED-national stage
1. Platz, Wettbewerb "Heiss Kalt" des Foto Hits Magazins/ 1. place "Hot Cold" in Foto Hits Magazine
2. place "City" in Foto Magazine (Poland)


1. Platz, Wettbewerb "Panorama" des Foto Hits Magazins/ 1. place "Panorama" in Foto Hits Magazine
1. place "Spring attacks with color"


Price "My history of art" - Art in XX. century
Art in Far East
Art in Latin America
Price - contest for Dad's day
2. place "Colorful Giddiness"
Publication in the album "Cities and towns. Incredible Poland" pub. Demart


1. place "Dad and me" - Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
1. place - "Texture and Structure"

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