Landscape Photography




Freitag, 13. November 2020

 This summer, despite of a global situation, we managed to carry out our holiday.

Once cancelled, we reserved our apartment twice actually. And so in the end of August we got to the area around Porto Vecchio, Corsica. We chose the region, tempted with the photos of the 









Palombaggia and Santa Giulia beaches.

Palombiaggia is known for its red rocks peeking out of the white sand. Early morning light accentuates these colours. Together with white sand and blue water is nice to shoot from a land and from above



To the main photo spots and tourist attractions you can count for sure the city of Bonifacio. Take a parking behind the city towards Pertusato. You can just pay for a parking place or book a boat tour in the bay of Bonifacio. Both options are ok, because the parkings in the city are full quickly and expensive.

Another attraction in this area is the beach around Pertusato. Be ready for around 20 minutes walk form the small parking area. Or the hiking tour to another side of a bay to the Phare de la Madonetta. Not complicated walk, around one hour.

If you want to change a view a little and hike a little bit in the interior. I can recommend the nice trip to the Cucuruzzu. The nice walk in a very interesting forest that looks just so different from ours, that we know here in the north of Europe. This is a megalith small castle with beautiful view on the Col the Bavella.

Another point of interest and some mountains wandering is a Waterfall Pisca di di Ghjaddu. Easy trip. Big parking lot. But in our low pandemic season was almost full around 11. Just last couple of meters to the waterfall are for adults that have a good grip, let’s say so.

Another hike that we chose from a vast options was a wander to the Trou de la Bombe. A big hole in the rocks. Not a hard walk. Just last meters to the hole can make you really dizzy.


And the very highlight is a river hike. We chose easier option to get. The Fiumicelli. We were first on the small parking. Normally it is already around 9 a.m. full. The entire walk in this river trial is something extraoridinary. And a huge fun with clamber through the stony river, jumping in the deep water. Remember about non-slip shoes and some waterproof bag for your car keys.

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